
Our General Policy.

“The games provided by this site are considered to be from the public domain, e.g. they are widely found on many other gaming sites etc., and comply with second party site’s policies. We try our best to give as much credit back to those authors/owners/organisations etc. as possible.
In particular Flipline Studios gives Webmasters the opportunity to download any of the games on their "Free Games for your Site" page and post them to their own website.
However we are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Flipline Studios, or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates.
The use in this personal blog/website and/or in related promotional print/web-page or video material of trademarked names and images is strictly for editorial and descriptive purposes, and no commercial claim to their use, or suggestion of sponsorship or endorsement, is made by this personal blog/website. Those words or terms that the authors and publisher have reason to believe are trademarks are designated as such by the use of initial capitalization, where appropriate. However no attempt has been made to identify or designate all words or terms to which trademark or other proprietary rights may exist. Nothing contained herein is intended to express a judgment on, or affect the validity of legal status of, any word or term as a trademark, service mark, or other proprietary mark. But if you believe such a game/content should not be featured on our website, Please contact the webmaster and we shall arrange to take off the game as soon as possible. Usually within 24-48 hours.”
Email: bestfungamers[at]gmail[dot]com